Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Book Cover Design, Book Cover Or Ebook Cover Design


Your Book cover should reflect the main theme of the book and also it should make potential buyers curious about it. I am here to design your Book cover. I can help you publish your book or magazine on paper or in digital format. I prepare PDF, ePub, mobi, KPF, etc. I create formats suitable for KDP, Kindle cover Kobo, Lulu, Google, Apple, etc.

My Service:

  • Amazon KDP uploading assistance
  • Understanding Amazon KDP categories and keywords researching
  • Book cover design / eBook/ Paperback /hardcover or revamping
  • Journal, Workbook, Magazine, White paper, Catalog design
  • Paperback, Book cover designBook design and eBook formatting that will meet Amazon KDP, Kindle cover specifications without rejection


"Don't judge a book by its cover"

Despite how true this idiom might be, it doesn't really apply to the reality of the Book cover industry because most of the time, readers do use the cover of a book as a deciding factor. With a lot of books in the market, the first sales pitch of a book on a shelf is the cover.

Hire me! I will use my imagination and your suggestions to create your amazing book cover. Feel free to request Book cover or interior layout samples.


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